About us

ONE OF US is a European federation protecting human life and human dignity of every individual of the human species.

As a formidable collective, our federation brings together experts, particularly in the fields of medicine and law, along with over 50 member associations dedicated to empowering citizens in the protection of life from conception to natural death.

Our mission

Our mission is rooted in the unconditional recognition of inherent human dignity, which we believe is the foundation of freedom and human rights. We are dedicated to tirelessly promoting and safeguarding this dignity through advocacy, cultural initiatives, and the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

We contribute to safeguarding European civilization by reaffirming the humanistic values of its founders 
Join us in our mission to uphold and protect the most fundamental human right: the right to life!

Support our cause with your financial contribution is very much appreciated.

Sign our Appeal and stay informed about our actions!

Our history

The ONE OF US Federation was created in the wake of the ONE OF US European Citizens’ Initiative.

This was launched in May 2012 to call on the Commission to halt EU funding of programs leading to the destruction of human embryos (human embryo research programs and abortion programs in developing countries financed by the EU).

Citizen initiative


ONE OF US collected over 1.7 million signatures, marking it as the most significant and successful European Citizens’ Initiative in EU history.



In 2014, we laid the foundation for the ONE OF US Federation with NGOs from all
around Europe.

Carrying the cause


The Federation continues to carry the cause of the millions of citizens who have supported the ONE OF US European Citizens’ Initiative.