It’s impossible to ignore.

Read more. The plight of the Uighur women warrants attention not only as a woman’s issue, but also as a human-rights issue. And, once heard, it’s impossible to ignore. On August 25, headlines revealed that the U.S.A. administration is considering accusing China of genocide due to the country’s treatment of Uighur Muslims. The U.S. government and human-rights groups have already charged China with detaining one…

Romanian Senator Lungu to the universities: „Gender studies are not a free debate of ideas, but a politico-leftist indoctrination”

Read more. After the Romanian Parliament adopted a law banning gender theory in education, several Romanian universities, including the University of Bucharest and the “Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, deplored the law, arguing that it is a political interference in education and that universities need freedom of debate for any ideas.