EPC International Euthanasia Symposium – Sept 20 in Rome

Alex Schadenberg Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. On Friday September 20, 2019 there is a one-day Euthanasia Symposium in Rome sponsored by the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. The Symposium features recognized leaders and amazing speakers in an incredible location. The Symposium will be followed by a leaders meeting on September 21. The euthanasia Symposium is organized…

What do the following countries have in common?

Source. What do the following countries have in common (USA, Norway, South Korea, South Africa, New Zealand, Colombia, Finland, Iran, Egypt, Costa Rica, Ireland, Puerto Rico, Turkey, Ukraine, Panama, Iceland and Moldova? Answer:  in all of them, total fertility rate (children per woman) in 2018 was the smallest ever. What do the former countries have in common…

The Bioethics Observatory classifies the death of Vincent Lambert as an objectively euthanasic act

Complete text. The death of any human being is always dignified, because dignity is intrinsic to human nature. The Bioethics Observatory https://www.observatoriobioetica.org/ at the Catholic University of Valencia considers that “the death of Vincent Lambert following the withdrawal of hydration and nutrition is an objectively euthanasic act since, although he suffered severe brain damage, he…

Caso Lambert: vía libre para la muerte por desconexión del tetrapléjico que divide a la sociedad francesa

Fuente Fue un fallo jurisdiccional: El Tribunal de Apelación no tiene competencia en el caso Lambert. Eso dice el Tribunal de Casación dando la razón a los recursos del Estado y del hospital de Reims. Eso implica que «desde ahora», en palabras del abogado de la mujer del paciente, pueden cesar toda hidratación y toda alimentación…