La lucha abortista contra la ciencia

La guerra del aborto de la izquierda contra la ciencia Para muchas mujeres que enfrentan un embarazo inesperado o difícil, realizarse una ecografía es un momento que cambia sus vidas para siempre. Escuchar los latidos del corazón de su bebé por nacer y verlo moverse e incluso hacer muecas en la pantalla es suficiente para…

The abortion fight against science

For many women facing an unexpected or difficult pregnancy, having an ultrasound is a moment that changes their lives forever. Hearing their unborn baby’s beating heart and seeing their child moving and even making faces on the screen is enough to remind them that their child is a wonderful and precious human being deserving of…

Belgium authorizes euthanasia for a young woman who was traumatized by the Brussels attacks

The Belgian authorities considered that medicine could not respond to the psychological suffering of the 23-year-old Shanti de Corte, a 23-year-old Belgian woman, a survivor of the 2016 Brussels airport jihadist attack, was legally euthanized last May, as her relatives have now confirmed. Death caused by medical reasons is an increasingly frequent resource in Belgium…

Bélgica autoriza la eutanasia a una joven que quedó traumatizada por los atentados de Bruselas

Las autoridades belgas consideraron que la medicina no podía dar respuesta al sufrimiento psicológico de la joven de 23 años Shanti de Corte, una joven belga de 23 años, superviviente del atentado yihadista del aeropuerto de Bruselas de 2016, fue eutanasiada legalmente el pasado mes de mayo, según han confirmado ahora sus familiares. La muerte provocada por…

A repentant transgender teenager denounces the lack of information she had before undergoing a gender transition

Chloe Cole is an 18-year-old transgender teenager who underwent a gender transition and double mastectomy between the ages of 12 and 16, and now, after regretting her decision, she leads the defense of children and families that they are going through the same process to protect them from the existing misinformation about the irreversible consequences…