Según un estudio, el 93% de los médicos neonatales belgas apoyan la eutanasia de los recién nacidos con discapacidad

Leer más. Recientemente ha habido un renacer de las actitudes eugenésicas que nos recuerdan al pasado. Antaño, muchos «líderes» creían que la vida de las personas con discapacidad tenía menos valor. La sociedad actual piensa que está más ilustrada y apoya más a las personas con discapacidad. El estudio sobre el que estoy escribiendo hoy…

Study: 93% of Belgian neonatal doctors support euthanasia of newborns with disabilities.

Read more. Recently there has been an awakening concerning the eugenic attitudes of past leaders. Many leaders in the past believed that the lives of people with disabilities had less value.  Today’s society thinks that it is more enlightened and more supportive of people with disabilities. The study I am writing about today indicates that eugenic attitudes towards newborns…

New Zealand debate on euthanasia

In the midst of the devastation that the CoVid19 pandemic has caused and continues today originating in terms of human lives, some countries continue to focus their efforts on eliminating those lives that seem to be considered «less worthy» of being lived.This is the case of New Zealand debate on euthanasia as the country approaches…