Thousands attended the annual ‘March for Life’  in Berlin on Saturday September 17th. Around 9,000 people were registered to attend the ‘March for Life’ demonstration, which began in the early afternoon near the Brandenburg Gate. The Bundesverband Lebensrecht, which currently has 16 member associations and more than 25,000 members, plans to establish September as the…

Le syndrome de Down

Cette vidéo que la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme autorise à censurer en France nous montre le soutien à toutes les mères, pères et familles qui attendent un enfant diagnostiqué trisomique. Il est essentiel de le voir et surtout de le partager. De One of Us, nous dénonçons la censure et parions sur la…

World Down Syndrome Day

This video that the European Court of Human Rights allows to censor in France shows us the support for all mothers, fathers and families who are expecting a child diagnosed with Down syndrome It is essential to see it and above all share it. From One of Us we denounce censorship and bet on the…