Un estudio muestra que las madres de bebés con síndrome de Down se enfrentan una tremenda presión para abortarlos

La discriminación contra los bebés no nacidos con discapacidad es un gran problema en nuestras sociedades porque una sociedad sin personas con síndrome de Down representaría el fracaso de una humanidad que no sabe qué hacer con las personas enfermas y vulnerables, y piensa que la mejor opción es eliminarlos. Un nuevo estudio destacado en…

Poland and its Constitution Faithful to Human Dignity

Warsaw October 22, 2020.- The Constitutional Court of Poland decided today that one of three exceptions that allowed so called “legal” abortion in Poland from 1993, namely eugenic abortion (where unborn child with suspicion of illness or disability) is against Constitution of Republic of Poland. The 1993 Polish law prohibits abortions in most circumstances. However,…

Restore hope to Europe!

The European Federation for Life and Human Dignity ONE OF US, which brings together several dozen pro-life organizations from almost all European countries, accepts with the utmost attention and hope the information that the Constitutional Tribunal in Poland will decide on October 22 whether abortion due to suspected disease or disability in an unborn child…

Euthanasia: The theory is not the same as the reality

Read more. When debating euthanasia, legislators and voters (New Zealand referendum) assume that an assisted death is quick and peaceful. This is important because people often support assisted suicide based on fear of a painful death. What is not known is that assisted suicide activists have been experimenting for several years with lethal drug cocktails on people…